Reading Room
BREAD and ROSES : International Women's Day, twelve female geeks, feminist techies marched across the virtual streets of the internet

Future hacker St. Jude's advice 'Girls need modems' (Rosie Cross interviews the take-no-prisoners programmer

Harv Stanic: ASCII: Amsterdam Subversive Code for Information Interchange

Weaver Birds : Hackers spinning the Dharma wheel by Jaromil
.dpi an interdisciplinary forum for feminist reflection and communication on contemporary artistic and technological practices
code {poems} project by Ishac Bertran. A selection of 55 code {poems}. Foreword by Jamie Allen
Trans Technology: Circuits of Culture, Self, Belonging
DIGITAL FOLKLORE Reader Edited by Olia Lialina & Dragan Espenschied
Turing Complete User by Olia Lialina
Still There by Olia Lialina
A Vernacular Web part 1, part 2, part 3 by Olia Lialina
Code as Executable Text: Software Art and its Focus on Program Code as Performative Text by Inke Arns

Fun with Software A discussion with Annet Dekker and Olga Goriunova by Matthew Fuller

Interview with a Photocopier by Matthew Fuller

Luciana Parisi is the author of ‘Abstract Sex, philosophy, biotechnology and the mutations of desire', interview by Matthew Fuller
Sex, Drugs, and the Biggest Cybercrime of All Time

Dear Hacker Community – We Need To Talk by Asher Wolf
Escape from Woomera
Structures, strictures & students melinda rackham: challenge & change in media arts education by Melinda Rackham
What's wrong with the kids these days? On the moral decay of the Dutch hacker scene.
Hacking the Art OS--Interview with Cornelia Sollfrank & Florian Cramer
Press | Reviews
Challenges for online archives by Annet Dekker
The Weaver Birds by Jaromil /weaver-birds/