Josephine Bosma (NL)
Josephine Bosma is a journalist and critic who lives and works in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She focusses on art in the context of the Internet since 1993. While initially making radio shows and reports, her writing on net art and net culture has appeared in numerous magazines, books and catalogues, both on- and offline, since 1996. She co-edited the Nettime book README (Autonomedia 1999), the Next5Minutes3 workbook (N5M organization 1999) and briefly edited the online newsletter CREAM.
Electronic media have played a substantial part in the history of art, yet their influence is generally trivialized. In line with this constant the role of the Internet in art is suffering the same fate. From John Cage’s silent denial of how our ears had been expanded with telephones and radio receivers to the contemporary art world’s refusal to look beyond the screen of the computer runs a history of obscured alliances between human and machine. Geek DIY cultures today push for a grounding of art and culture through the recognition of our relationship to our environment as a whole, including the beauty and grime of technology.
Dancing to the Beat of a Different Drum
Dancing to the Beat of a Different Drum, Josephine Bosma, presented at CAST 2013 Video: Julia Drouhin