Mez Breeze (AUS) and Andy Campbell (UK)
The Dead Tower
The Dead Tower is set in a dark and abstract dream world that revolves around a crashed bus. This atmospheric game-like visual poem/landscape can be freely explored at full-screen with the mouse and keyboard. Participants are invited to rummage around in the text/object scrap beneath the haunting structure or attempt to reach the Tower itself.
The Dead Tower
Installation shot
Photo by Aaron Horsley
The impact of Mez’s unique writing has been equated with the work of Shakespeare, Emily Dickinson, and Larry Wall. Mez has exhibited extensively since the early 90s and holds awards including: winner of the 2006 Site Specific Index Page Competition [Italy] and Burton Wonderland Gallery Winner 2010 [judged by Tim Burton]. Mez also works as a Digital Media & Arts Consultant, Augmented Reality Scholar and Technology & Culture Journalist.

Andy Campbell is a digital writer and the author of, a website described by the Times Educational Supplement as “a semi-cinematic, semi-literary blend… a distinctive voice that couldn’t be replicated in print.” He is Director of Digital Media for One to One Development Trust ( heading up website and multimedia design and working on a wide range of arts projects in communities often with challenging and hard to reach groups. Andy was a judge in 2010/11 for the New Media Writing Prize established by Bournemouth University; the annual prize, now in its 3rd year, is supported by sponsors, including Dreaming Methods. Andy is the Creative Developer for the pioneering digital novel Inanimate Alice written by award-winning novelist Kate Pullinger (